

发布时间: 2024-05-12 06:34:07北京青年报社官方账号





Anyone who has studied Mandarin, no matter how long, knows that Chinese characters play a dominant role in the language. Each Chinese character has its own meaning and history.


Another key to the success of high-growth insurgents is their decision to narrow their product range, said Derek Deng, consumer practices partner at Bain. They typically focus on one or two "hero" stock keeping units that serves one specific market niche.


Apart from science, Shenzhen's enterprises have also played an active role in the process. Electric car maker BYD quickly shifted to the production of masks as the coronavirus spread like wildfire. The company managed to produce 5 million masks a day within a 24-day span, making it one of the world's largest suppliers.


Another Tencent Pictures project, called "20,000 Miles," will feature Chinese director Lu Chuan and a Hollywood crew to present a science fiction story about time travel set in China.


Another big focus area at re:Invent will be intelligent applications powered by machine/deep learning trained models. Amazon already offers services like AWS ML for machine learning and companies like Turi (prior to being acquired by Apple) leveraged AWS GPU services to deploy machine learning systems inside intelligent applications. But, as recently reported by recently reported by The Information, AWS is expected to announce a deep learning service that will be somewhat competitive with Google’s TensorFlow deep learning service. This service will leverage the MXNet deep learning library supported by AWS and others. In addition, many intelligent applications already offered to consumers and commercial customers, including AWS stalwarts such as Netflix and Salesforce.com, will emphasize how marrying cloud services with data science capabilities are at the heart of making applications smarter and individually personalized.


